The supreme guide To Backpacking Tajikistan

travelling Tajikistan is not always easy, but the days of corrupt border guards and random checkpoint charges are pretty much over. This guide will instruct you everything you need to know about travelling in this fascinating country.

Rough and rugged Tajikistan is a place where few travellers venture, but with recent improvements in tourism infrastructure, now is the time to enter this outstanding country. Whether you’re planning to take on one of the worlds many epic road trips (The Pamir Highway), or you just want to sip espresso from a cafe in Dushanbe, Tajikistan has it all. If you’re the type of traveller who seeks adventure where few other travellers go, then you’ve come to the best place. Tajikistan is one of the least went to countries in central Asia, and central Asia is one of the least went to regions on Earth… so get ready for an off the beaten path experience that you’ll never forget.

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How much will Tajikistan Cost?

Budget For Tajikistan

$89/day for 2 people (Average including Pamir highway Trip)

Most people backpacking Tajikistan will probably be taking the Pamir highway road trip, and for this portion, your budget will be higher, but not too much higher. If you can organize a car with 4 travellers in it, you can expect to pay about $110 / day for the vehicle, fuel and driver, with the cost of side-trips, rooms and food extra.

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Outside of the Pamir highway trip, around $35 / day / person ought to be plenty, but expect to pay much more in Dushanbe. If you’re doing a central Asia trip, the cost of visas for your next country(ies) can add up so keep that in mind when budgeting your trip in this region.

Budget Accommodation: (Avg $30 / night) (Pamir = $15 / person incl. 2 meals)

A cheap double room in Dushanbe will cost you around $30 / night. On the Pamir Highway, stays in yurts and home stays will typically cost around $15 / person / day including dinner & breakfast. There are a couple of places on the highway where you can get a hotel room and they are around $10 / person / night including breakfast.

Eating: ($2-$7 / meal)

On the Pamir Highway, your meals will mostly be included in your accommodation costs. In Dushanbe expect to pay around $5 – $10 for a western meal, or $3 – $5 for a local dish. Don’t miss the best Indian food in the world at Salaam Namaste in Dushanbe (around $10 / large meal). expect to find mainly local-style dishes outside of Dushanbe (around $3 – $5).

A delicious Tajikistan Plov
Entrance Fees: ($1-3/person)

Probably the only time you’ll be paying entrance fees will be at national Parks & some museums in Dushanbe. entrance fees are very reasonable, even in the capital. common costs are between $1 – $3. There are some parks that you may enter on the Pamir highway that will cost around $5 / person.

Alcohol: ($2 Beer, $4 Cocktails)

Tajikistan is said to have the most affordable beer in the world. A pint of Khujand will cost about 40 cents, but personally we continued to drink Baltika (a Russian lager) when we were backpacking Tajikistan. You can find lots of different cocktails in Dushanbe, but outside of the capital expect to be limited to beer and spirits.


Tipping is not customary in Tajikistan but services that accommodate tourists will expect a gratuity. If you’ve hired a guide, a porter or a driver, expect to give a suggestion at the end. For the Pamir highway trip, your chauffeur will certainly expect a suggestion for his work. around 10% of all services would be a generous suggestion if your chauffeur speaks English and doubles as a guide.

Some restaurants, particularly in larger hotels, will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If you stay with a local family in Tajikistan, it’s a good idea to leave a small gift. Stickers, pens and notepads from your home country are great to give to kids when you leave.

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The currency in Tajikistan is called the Tajik Somoni or Som for short. The exchange rate at the time of writing was $1USD = 4.9 TJS. Denominations come in 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 notes. There are no ATMs on the Pamir highway except in Khorog, but even the ATM there can be unreliable. You can take out USD and TJS from ATMs in Dushanbe and some other cities. In small towns, you can withdrawal TJS only and in some cases you won’t be able to find an ATM at all. ATMs accept Visa, Mastercard and Maestro, which implies that they typically also accept plus and Maestro debit cards.Click here For current exchange Rates

Must-See Places:

There are far too numerous “must-see places” to list here. We spent a lot of time in this country and we still have much to see. Tajikistan is many well-known for the Pamir highway trip, but the country has far much more to offer.

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The Pamir Highway:

The Pamir highway (M41) is the second highest road on earth (next to the Karakorum in Pakistan) and it traverses the Pamir Mountains through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The majority of the highway is in Tajikistan and it is one of the main traveler draw cards for the country. Most commonly, travellers drive the length of the Tajik highway between Osh (Kyrgyzstan) in the north and Khorog in the south (most travel South to North but trips can go both ways).

The trip can take anywhere from 1 week to 2 months depending on how much you stop and what you decide to see. You will pass through some of the most outstanding mountain ranges on earth including the Hindu Kush (Hindu Killers) and the Pamirs themselves. The scenery on this drive is spectacular and it is a road trip like no other. What makes the drive so memorable are the numerous turnoffs and side trips that lead away from the M41 itself. expect to trek to mountain lakes, spot endangered Marco Polo sheep and sleep in yurts along the way. It’s best to organize this trip from Dushanbe (heading north), Osh or Murghab (heading south).

There is a lot to know about a Pamir highway trip and for this, we have The supreme guide To The Pamir highway road Trip… coming soon!

The Fann Mountains:

Other than the Pamir highway trip, this is probably the most popular excursion to take in Tajikistan. located in the Sughd province in northern Tajikistan, these stunning, snow-capped peaks are the ideal place for hikes, treks and exploration. The area is also known as “The Land Of Lakes”, thirty of which can be seen rather easily and each displays its own color. The Fann Mountains offer a great alternative for those who don’t want to embark on the epic Pamir highway trip, but still want to see the beautiful scenery that Tajikistan is well-known for.


Tajikistan’s proud, modern capital, this is a great place to chill out and delight in some delicious food and drink. If you’re planning a trip into the rest of the country, or returning from one, Dushanbe makes for a great place to plan your adventure, or your next country on a central Asia trip. This is one of the best places in the region to pick up visas for Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and other places you may visit.

The Fergana Valley:

Central Asia’s many politically divided, culturally diverse and notoriously unstable region, the Fergana Valley actually makes for a great travel destination. If you can make it up to Kujand, the second largest city in Tajikistan and home to the worlds most affordable beer, you can travel from there and delight in some very off-the-beaten-path places in the far north of the country.

Goat Note: The political situation is always changing in the Fergana Valley. Make sure to check that it is stable before planning a trip there.

Zeravshan Valley:

Another one of Tajikistan’s main touristic destinations, Zeravshan is nestled amongst the Western Pamir-Altai mountain ranges. The word Zeravshan implies “Golden River” and it refers to the main river which crosses the valley and offers precious water to the inhabitants of the area. well-known for outstanding landscapes, and beautiful lakes (including Alouddin, Kulikalon and Iskanderkul Lakes), the area is ideal for hiking and horseback riding.

If you’re not wanting to do any alpinism while you’re here, check out Penjikent, the old capital of the Sogdian empire and home to the best preserved remains of the pre-Islamic, Zoroastrian civilization.

Goat Note: once a major tourism draw during the Soviet Era, the Zeravshan Valley is now reserved for those “in the know”. A great off the beaten path place in Tajikistan.

Must-have Experiences:

The Pamir Highway:

If you’ve read this far, you’ve probably heard enough about the Pamir Highway. Je to úžasné! For much more on this epic journey, check out this Goats On The road 9-part series of our personal experience. numerous of these have videos:

Part 1 – travelling The Pamir Highway: Osh to Sary Moghul

Part 2 – travelling On The Pamir Highway: Sary Moghul to Karakul

Part 3 –  Travelling On Ton Pamir Highway: Karakul do Murghab

Časť 4 – Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: Murgab do Keng Shiber

Časť 5 – Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: Keng Shiber do Bulunkulu

Časť 6 – Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: Bulunkul do Langaru

Časť 7 – Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: Langar do Yamchun

Časť 8 – Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: Yamchun do Khoroga

Časť 9 – jazda vrtuľníkom po diaľnici Pamir

Len pre videá:

Cestovanie po diaľnici Pamir: 4 diel videa série

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Urobte to v Dushanbe:

Ak ste už dlho cestovali cez Strednú Áziu, potom sa Dushanbe bude cítiť ako nebo. Dobré bary, vynikajúce kaviarne a štýlové reštaurácie, hlavné mesto Tadžika je ako dych čerstvého vzduchu (s výnimkou znečistenia). Výlet do Tadžikistanu by nebol úplný bez toho, aby to urobil v Dushanbe!

Jazda vrtuľníkom cez Pamirs:

Aj keď nerobíte horský výlet Pamir, každý by mal rozobrať 90 dolárov (v každom prípade), aby odletel z Dushanbe do Khoroga, cez pohorie Pamir! Toto je jeden z najvýznamnejších zážitkov, aké ste kedy mohli mať, a výhľady sú veľkolepé. Chopper letí cez hory, nie nad nimi, takže okná sú otvorené a môžete cítiť sviežu horskú leteckú povodeň do kabíny na 5 000 metrov! Ak vrtuľník nie je k dispozícii, malé lietadlá sú stále vzrušujúcim zážitkom.

Poznámka o koze: Jazda trvá 2 hodiny a stojí asi 90 dolárov. V Kanade (napríklad) by ste mali šťastie, že za túto náklady dostanete 8 -minútový let vrtuľníka … a nelietali by ste nad Pamirs!


S tak početnými krásnymi horami, alpskými jazerami a lesnými chodníkmi nie je na svete žiadne lepšie miesto, ktoré by ste sa dostali cez horský priechod. Existujú desiatky dobre označených ciest, ktoré vás môžu zavedieť vysoko do alpských oblastí Tadžikistanu. Prejdite si sprievodcu pre menej známe chodníky a skutočne sa ocitnete uprostred ničoho!

Pozrite si niektoré petroglyfy:

Petroglyfy sú starodávne rockové rezby, ktoré často zobrazujú lov Ibex a iných zvierat, ako aj niektoré hudobné nástroje a kultúrne displeje. V hlavnej dobe v regióne Pamir okolo údolia Ghunt sú petroglyfy zaujímavým pohľadom na ranú históriu regiónu. Mnohé z nich sa datujú do veku bronzovej pred 2100 rokmi.

Výpredaj na cezhraničnom trhu:

Práve na hranici medzi Afganistanom a Tadžikistanom je cezhraničný trh Ishkashim skvelým spôsobom, ako nahliadnuť do Afganistanu bez toho, aby ste skutočne vstúpili do krajiny. Nachádza sa na afganskej strane rieky Wakhan (nad malým mostom). Trh je vynikajúcim miestom na videnie predaja a výmeny, ako aj konvenčné oblečenie Afganského obyvateľa.

Poznámka o koze: Je normálne odovzdať pas, aby ste na tomto trhu kontrolovali hranicu. Budú to pre vás, aby ste sa ubezpečili, že sa vrátite do Tadžikistanu! (Existuje skutočne, že mnohí ľudia utekajú do Afganistanu?)

Poznámka o koze: Kvôli nedávnej nestabilite v Ishkashime sa pred plánovaním návštevy cezhraničného trhu skontrolujte súčasnú situáciu.

Namočte do horúcich prameňov

Najlepšie horúce pramene v krajine sú Bibi Fatima neďaleko Yamchun v pohoriach Pamir. Ale ak nebudete robiť výlet Pamir, po celej krajine sú ďalšie veľké pramene. Pre niektorých očakávajte, že vstúpite úplne nahý so samostatnými časmi kúpania pre mužov a ženy.

Musí vyskúšať riad:

Jedlo je obrovskou súčasťou cestovania do ktorejkoľvek krajiny a batohom Tadžikistanu sa nelíši. Aj keď početné jedlá na vidieku chýba príchuť a korenie, v Dushanbe nájdete nejaké chutné miestne jedlá.