SCHENGEN VISA via FRENCH Embassy: new demands & Application process
This Visa Application as well as visit guide is for applicants in the Philippines planning to go to France or other parts of the Schengen zone for tourism. You’ll discover the listing of demands as well as detailed info about the application process below. If you’re applying as a worker or as a seafarer, I’m afraid this publish isn’t for you.
France has just recently implemented a new Schengen visa process, centralizing applications from around the world on just one website.
Not much has changed, though. VFS still accepts the application demands in behalf of the French Embassy. The only difference now is that the very first part of the process, which is the filling out of the application form, is done completely online.
And oh, one more difference is the length of processing time. Our buddies from travel agencies, who work on Schengen Visa applications on a everyday basis, insurance claim that it is much quicker now. According to them, applicants in great monetary as well as employment standing as well as who have total demands frequently get the results within just 48 hours. However, some still have to wait 5-15 days. Others, weeks,
Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?
2. ID photograph
3. Valid Passport
4. Visa Fee
5. proof of function of Stay
6. travel health and wellness Insurance
7. proof of Accommodation
8. proof of Funds
9. proof of Socio-Professional Situation
HOW TO apply FOR A FRANCE SCHENGEN VISA?1. total the Requirements.
2. produce a France-Visas Account.
3. achieve the on the internet form.
4. book an visit with VFS worldwide online.
5. submit the demands at the VFS Visa Application Center.
FRENCH VISA often ASKED QUESTIONSHow long is the validity of the Schengen Visa?
Should I apply for a single-, double-, or multiple-entry visa?
How much money should I have in the bank to get approved?
What are the reasons why my application would be denied?
What does a French Schengen Visa look like?
Do I truly requirement airplane tickets before applying? What if I get denied? Sayang the pera.
What is the style of the everyday itinerary? Do you have a sample?
I’m traveling to several cities. Do I requirement to submit train transfer as well as flight booking within the Schengen area?
I’m traveling to several cities. Do I requirement to provide hotel booking for all the countries I’m visiting or for France only?
Is travel insurance coverage truly needed?
If my application is approved, do I have to stay with the itinerary I submitted?
Is a cover letter required?
How early should I apply for a Schengen visa?
Is the French embassy truly strict?
I have X money in my bank account, I have visited countries A, B, C before, as well as I will be submitting documents 1, 2, 3. What are my possibilities of getting approved?
What is the paper size utilized for Schengen visa application?
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The Schengen Visa enables the holder to go to any type of of the 26 countries within the Schengen area including France. It’s kind of your one-for-all pass, enabling you to go into many of the countries in Europe without having to apply for a visa for every private country. You can apply at any type of embassy of a member state.
We extremely motivate you to checked out this publish very first to have a fundamental comprehending of the Schengen Visa as well as exactly how it works: Schengen Visa often Asked Questions
Note, however, that you can’t apply just anywhere. You requirement to apply at the right embassy, which depends upon the function of your trip or your general European itinerary.
Apply at the French embassy only if any type of of the complying with is true:
You’re going to France only as well as will not go to any type of other country.
You will go to several Schengen countries, however you will stay the longest in France.
You will go to several Schengen countries, however the primary function of your journey is in France. (Example: you will go to a seminar in France however you plan on going out to other Schengen countries while you’re there.)
You will stay in several Schengen countries for precisely the exact same number of days, however France is your point of entry (first in your itinerary).
Here’s exactly how to apply utilizing France’s new visa website.
The listing of demands varies depending upon many factors like the type of visa you’re applying for, the country where you’re applying from, the duration of your stay, the function of your travel, as well as whether or not you have household members in France.
You can inspect that here: French Visa demands Wizard
After filling out the short form, you will be provided the listing of requirementy. Pochopte, že sa to môže zmeniť v závislosti od vášho stavu, aby ste neboli dôležité vyhnúť sa vyššie uvedeným sprievodcom.
V každom prípade tu sú dokumenty, ktoré som predkladal, keď som použil na krátkodobé vízum na účely cestovného ruchu.
1. Vykonaný formulár žiadosti
Nový systém bude potrebovať, aby ste vyplnili typ aplikácie online. Viac informácií o tom uvidíte v sprievodcovi krok za krokom nižšie.
Toto je typ CERFA č. 14076*01 alebo 14571*05, datovaný a podpísaný.
2. ID fotografia
35 x 45 mm (veľkosť pasu)
Biele pozadie
Zobrali sa za posledných 6 mesiacov
3. Platný pas
Musí to platiť najmenej tri mesiace po organizovanom dátume návratnosti.
Musí mať podpis. Ak využívate nový 10-ročný E-passport, môžete objaviť pole Signature na strane 3, na stránke vedľa informačnej stránky. Ak využívate 5-ročný E-Passport, stránka Bio už má digitálny podpis, takže sa nevyžaduje znova.
Prineste farebnú fotokópiu biologickej stránky vášho pasu.
Aktualizácia (jún 2019): Keď som predtým používal, farebné fotokópie všetkých strán s pečiatkami a pripojenými víza boli na zozname požiadaviek. Keď som však nedávno skontroloval zoznam na webovej stránke, už nie je uvedený. Nie som si istý, či je to stále potrebné, ale jeden z našich návštevníkov, ktorý nedávno použil, uviedol, že fotokópie známok boli vyhodené, takže možno už nie sú skutočne potrebné.
4. Vízový poplatok
80 EUR EUR (alebo jeho ekvivalent v peso v ten deň). Upozorňujeme, že budete platiť aj poplatok za službu VFS, 26. EUR. V závislosti od súkromných okolností sa môže stále zmeniť. Poplatky sú nevratné.
Ďalšie požiadavky
Veľvyslanectvo Francúzska kategorizuje ďalšie požiadavky na päť.
Dôkaz o funkcii pobytu
Dôkaz ubytovania
Dôkaz finančných prostriedkov
Dôkaz o sociálno-profesionálnej situácii
Poistenie cestovania v oblasti zdravia a wellness
Tu to stáva mätúce. Predtým to bol iba jednoduchý kontrolný zoznam so všetkými výrobkami, ktoré sa uvažovali o povinnom.
Kontrolný zoznam, ktorý poskytuje nová webová stránka, poskytuje vnímanie, že vyžaduje iba jeden produkt v kategórii. Napríklad ITR už nie je uvedená ako požiadavka.
Cestovné agenti, s ktorými sme hovorili, však uvádzajú, že napriek tomu musíte stále poskytnúť čo najviac produktov (vrátane ITR), aby ste sa dostali k oveľa lepším možnostiam udelenia víza.
Nižšie je uvedený zoznam ďalších požiadaviek zoskupených podľa kategórií veľvyslanectva.
5. Dôkaz o funkcii pobytu
Vopred rezervovaný spiatočný lístok alebo rezervácia letu. V maximálnej možnej miere neplahajte svoje lety v plnom rozsahu, kým nedostanete vízum. Objavte cestovnú spoločnosť, ktorá vám môže rezervovať lety pre vás. Jeden môžete získať na internete tu: Získajte letové rezervácie tu
Podrobný itinerár (ak pre domácich majstrov) alebo potvrdenie rezervácie organizovaného výletu (ak sa vydáte na prehliadku). Pozrite si ukážku podrobný itinerár tu.
Opäť nepožadujete odosielanie skutočných lístkov. Môžete predložiť rezervácie letu, ktoré môžete zrušiť v situácii, vaša žiadosť je zamietnutá (takže nemusíte premrhať peniaze). Niekoľko leteckých spoločností umožňuje blokovanie letu (aj keď som ich nevyskúšal). Cestovné spoločnosti môžu tieto rezervné dokumenty tiež vyriešiť.
Ak nemáte čas ísť do cestovnej kancelárie, môžete si ho rezervovať online. Keď sa uchádzame o ťažko získajúce víza, ako je Kanada, ako aj Schengen, najímame Gazelle Travel, ako aj prehliadky, DTI-registrovanú aj dot-akreditovanú agentúru. Práve tu sme vytvorili typ, aby ste sa s nimi mohli úplne spojiť online:
✅ Získajte letové rezervácie tu
6. Poistenie cestovného zdravia a wellness
Cestovanie zdravia a wellness poistenie Contery (pre náklady na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ako aj repatriáciu). Musí pokryť celú dobu trvania cesty a platiť pre všetky krajiny Schengen. Ochrana musí byť najmenej 30 000 EUR. Získajte cestovné poistenie tu
7. Dôkaz o ubytovaní
Rezervácia hotela Po celú dobu trvania vášho pobytu, ak bývate v hoteli. Dôraz na celé trvanie vášho pobytu. Ak bývate vo viacerých krajinách, musíte predložiť rezerváciu hotelov pre všetky krajiny, kde zostanete, nielen Francúzsko. Môžete tiež predložiť dôkaz o primeraných prostriedkoch na pokrytie výdavkov na ubytovanie (cestovné ustanovenia 120 eur / deň) alebo zmluvu o prenájme.
Dôkaz o ubytovaní (dokument), ak zostanete s miestnym. „Dôkaz o ubytovaní“ je dokument, ktorý musí váš majetok dostať z regionálnej radnice vo Francúzsku vo vašom mene. You must have it before submitting your application since it will be stamped by the consulate. Vaše držanie môže tu objaviť viac informácií o tom.
8. proof of Funds
These can be any type of or all of the following. If you haven’t booked accommodations yet, your docs must prove you can pay for 120 euros each day of stay.
Bank statements as well as bank certificates. Make sure that the bank certificate as well as statement cover at least the past 6 months, as well as that they were issued within the past 30 days.
Pay slips
Pension statements (if applicable)
If your trip is sponsored by a family member in the Philippines, you must likewise provide a notarized Affidavit of Support, proof of relationship, as well as a signed copy of their IDs (passport is accepted).
9. proof of Socio-Professional Situation
If an employee, Certificate of employment or employment Contract
If self-employed, business registration documents
ITR is not listed on the website, however if you have it, it would definitely help. We as well as the travel agents we talked to still extremely suggest that you submit it. a few of our visitors were needed to submit an ITR that was BIR-stamped.
Approved Leave of absence is not listed on the website either. however one of our visitors was likewise asked to submit this.
You can likewise submit any type of other document proving rootedness in the Philippines such as land titles.
1. total the Requirements.
Again, the listing of demands varies per person. You can see the set of documents they will requirement from you utilizing this demands Wizard: French Visa demands Wizard
The listing of demands may vary from applicant to applicant so don’t avoid this step.
2. produce a France-Visas Account.
To do that, go to this page: France-Visas Registration
Overte svoj účet. A verification link as well as verification code will be sent to your email account. comply with that link as well as go into the code.
IMPORTANT: since the email is multi-lingual (French, English, Spanish), there’s a huge possibility that it will go directly to your Spam or Junk folder. Make sure to inspect those if you don’t get it in your inbox instantly.
You will then be asked to set up a new password.
3. achieve the on the internet form.
After setting a new password, you will be taken directly to a page where you have to input the specific details of your travel plan.
The type has 5 pages:
Your travel plan
Your personal information
Your previous visas
Your stay
Your contacts
These are all quite straightforward. just provide whatever information is needed in the corresponding fields.
The only part that you may discover confusing is the YOUR CONTACTS page. It will ask you who your hold person OR organization is in France is. If you don’t have any, just select the MY hotel choice as well as go into your hotel’s address as well as get in touch with details.
You will likewise be asked who will be funding your trip.
If you don’t have a sponsor, just select MYSELF as well as tick the boxes that apply to you.
If your trip will be sponsored by somebody else, you must go into their full names (last name then very first name) in the provided area as well as tick the appropriate boxes.
After that, you will be asked to double inspect the info you went into on the recap page.
Then comply with these steps after the recap section:
If you discover whatever to be alright, submit your application.
You will be provided a checklist as well as the completed APPLICATION FORM. print both the checklist as well as the form.. IMPORTANT!
You will likewise be redirected to the VFS on the internet visit System.
According to James, one of our visitors who just recently applied, if you don’t print out the checklist, they will utilize the old listing of demands (which has more items) since they will connect a different set of checklist. In the old list, they will need a cover letter, birth certificate & photocopy of your passport. So make sure you print out both the checklist as well as the completed application form.
4. book an visit with VFS worldwide online.
To get a schedule, indication up first. go to this visit System page as well as click on new USER.
If you already have an account, just log in.
For short stay visa applications, book a date at least five days before your organized date of departure.
Once you have an appointment, print out the visit confirmation Letter, which you requirement to give the VFS worldwide Visa Application Center.
5. submit the demands at the VFS Visa Application Center.
The applicants themselves must show up on the day of appointment. For kids below 12, either parent can submit.
They just recently transferred to a new address:
VFS Global
France Visa Application Centre,
30th Floor, The world Centre, senator Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
Phone Number: +63 2 790 4903
When I applied, this is the schedule. however I am not sure if it still applies today so double inspect with them before going.
Submission of application: Monday-Friday,
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